Lucas Papaw 神奇番木瓜膏万用膏 25g 祛痘消炎万能膏


Lucas’ Papaw Ointment may be used as a local topical application on the following conditions:

Abscesses and boils,
Bruises and burns,
Carbuncles and chafings,
Cuts and cysts,
Dry and Cracked skin on hands and feet,
Gravel rash and heat rash,
Insect stings and mosquito bites,
Open wounds and pimples,
Scalds and sunburn,
Swelling associated with injury,
Splinters and thorns,
Tinea and whitlow,
Nappy rash and cracked nipples.

Lucas Papaw Ointment 25g
Carica Papaya 39mg/g Fresh Fermented Fruit
The papaya used in Lucas Papaw Ointment is Queensland grown fresh fruit.


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